Up to 52 percent of consumers claim that a bad mobile experience will make them less likely to engage with a company. This includes visiting a brand’s website via mobile or engaging with their mobile app.

The fact is, the User Experience Design (UX) is a crucial element and one that can’t be ignored when designing or developing an app.

If you want to ensure your mobile design meets customer’s needs and expectations, then you should start with the do’s and don’ts listed here.

1. DO Plenty of Research Before Designing

When you begin any new project, it can be tempting to jump in, feet first, and begin creating mockups. It’s best to avoid this temptation because you need to avoid the false-consensus effect, after all, you aren’t the final user.

Instead, begin with research. Proper research can help you in understanding who your users are and what they need. The ultimate goal is to create a mobile experience that resonates with your target audience.

Some practical recommendations to help with this include:

By doing this, you are in the mindset of the end users, which allows you to create an app they want, instead of the one you want.

2. DON’T Try to Create a Perfect Experience from the First Attempt You Make

When designing a mobile app, it’s impossible to create a perfect design right away. Even if you have a design that satisfies the initial requirements, you may find new requirements after testing.

As a result, it’s best to use an iterative design approach and test as soon as you can.

3. DO Prioritize the App’s Features

If you want to make your new app as attractive to the end user as possible, then you may try and add as many features as you can think of. This isn’t going to ever result in a better user experience.

There is nothing more confusing for a first-time user of your app than too many features and too much going on. Apps that achieve the most success are the ones that are extremely focused, and that have limited features.

This means you need to prioritize what is important and trim out any of the extraneous features that aren’t “must-haves.”

4. DON’T Request Permissions from the Very Beginning

In many cases, the first thing that is seen when launching an app that has just been downloaded is a dialogue box that requests permissions – “allow this app to use your location, camera, etc.).

When an app asks for these permissions right away, the user is likely going to deny the request.


It’s simple really. At this early point in using the app, the user doesn’t have the proper context to make a different decision. They don’t understand why these permissions are needed.

To help mitigate this issue, only ask permission in context and always communicate what value the access adds to the app. A user is more likely to grant permission in this manner.

Mobile Design Do’s and Don’ts: Now You Know

If you are working on your mobile design for your new app, then make sure to keep the do and don’ts listed here in mind.

If you need more information about creating a successful mobile app, reach out to our team. We offer complete online solutions that are customized to your business and your needs.