Money Matters: What’s the Best Small Business CRM Software?

Tired of trying to do everything single-handed? It’s easy to feel that way as a small business owner. Even though it isn’t huge, it requires a lot of work to keep it going. Keeping up relationships with your customers is vital for keeping your business alive. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) […]
What Does Responsive Mean? Is It the Same as Mobile-Friendly?

More than half of all Internet sessions now happen on a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone. Google has added criteria about the mobile display to its ranking factors. What this means for a small business owner like you is you need to follow your audience. If people access your website from devices like smartphones, the […]
The Web Design Trends That Are Expected to Rise in 2019

Did you know that more than 500,000 people start businesses each month in the U.S.? This means that for you as a business owner, you’re fighting against a lot of competitors. How, then, can you stand out and make a name for yourself? One answer is by having an incredible website. To do this, you need to […]
An Introduction to Funnels in Marketing and Sales

The funnel concept is an easy way to explain the role of marketing in sales. Find out what you need to know about full funnel marketing here. An Introduction to Funnels in Marketing and Sales Consumers spend billions of dollars online every year, and that number is expected to continue to increase over the next […]
10 Reasons to Leave SEO To the Pros

Do you know enough about SEO to reap the full benefits of it on your own? No? Here are some more reasons why you should buy SEO services. 10 Reasons to Leave SEO To the Pros You’ve heard of the wonders of SEO to small businesses, and you’re wondering whether you should buy SEO services […]
How do Chatbots Work to Enhance Your Customers’ Experience

You’ve heard about them, you’ve seen them in action. You must be wondering, ”How do chatbots work and what’s the big deal about them?”. Here are the answers. How do Chatbots Work to Enhance Your Customers’ Experience Given that nearly 80% of people are shopping online, it’s important to get ahead of the competition for […]
The Importance of Website Design – It Can Make or Break Your Business

Are you aware of the overwhelming importance of website design for your business? Find out if your website is driving away customers and how to win them back. The Importance of Website Design and How It Can Make or Break Your Business Ignore the content on your site for a moment. Just the design of […]
What is a Chatbot and How Your Business Can Leverage the Benefits

What is a Chatbot and How Your Business Can Leverage the Benefits You may have noticed that everything, even refrigerators are becoming “smart.” We’re finding new ways to link data and make our lives easier. Artificial intelligence (AI) can seem too complicated, but it’s quite simple to make it work for business. Enter the chatbot! What […]
What is an Opt-In Form and Why Is It Important for Your Website?

What is an Opt-In Form and Why Is It Important for Your Website? Even with all the options available to the modern marketer, email marketing is still the top way to generate leads. But it isn’t as simple as buying some email lists, sending some emails, and enjoying the benefits. People’s privacy is very important, […]
How to Create the Best CRM Strategies for Your Business

How to Create the Best CRM Strategies for Your Business Your customers are your priority. Your business needs to have a system that treats your customers and sales at the forefront. A CRM (customer relationship management) system can provide these benefits. Because of this, implementing a CRM system into your sales and marketing campaign can […]