Your Complete Guide to the Chatbot Platform

A survey of people who message business revealed that 69 percent of people are more likely to trust the company after messaging with them. When you’re managing your own business, you don’t have time to sit down and address every comment, question, and concern your customers bring to you. This is where having a chatbot platform comes […]
Mastering the E-mail Opt-In: 7 Strategies You Need to Know

From small businesses to major tycoons like the New York Times, it’s easy to see the powerful effects of a strong email campaign. Getting those emails to the right people? That’s the result of an even stronger email opt in. While it may seem like a straightforward concept, there are some central do’s and don’ts to […]
ClickFunnels vs Leadpages: Which Generates the Most Leads?

When was the last time you clicked on a link and saw something interesting on the website? Did it motivate you to dig through the information the website had to offer? Through one link, you may have been inspired to even buy something. That’s the power of landing pages. They’re what people see when they first […]
Money Matters: What’s the Best Small Business CRM Software?

Tired of trying to do everything single-handed? It’s easy to feel that way as a small business owner. Even though it isn’t huge, it requires a lot of work to keep it going. Keeping up relationships with your customers is vital for keeping your business alive. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) […]
How do Chatbots Work to Enhance Your Customers’ Experience

You’ve heard about them, you’ve seen them in action. You must be wondering, ”How do chatbots work and what’s the big deal about them?”. Here are the answers. How do Chatbots Work to Enhance Your Customers’ Experience Given that nearly 80% of people are shopping online, it’s important to get ahead of the competition for […]
What is a Chatbot and How Your Business Can Leverage the Benefits

What is a Chatbot and How Your Business Can Leverage the Benefits You may have noticed that everything, even refrigerators are becoming “smart.” We’re finding new ways to link data and make our lives easier. Artificial intelligence (AI) can seem too complicated, but it’s quite simple to make it work for business. Enter the chatbot! What […]
How to Create the Best CRM Strategies for Your Business

How to Create the Best CRM Strategies for Your Business Your customers are your priority. Your business needs to have a system that treats your customers and sales at the forefront. A CRM (customer relationship management) system can provide these benefits. Because of this, implementing a CRM system into your sales and marketing campaign can […]
Your CRM Report Guide: 4 Powerful Reports to Use in Your CRM

A CRM report can do one of two things: either show you game-changing insights or hide them in overcomplicated data sets. CRM reporting features have come a long way. In fact, most CRM companies tout their “advanced built-in reports” as one of their core features. They’re supposed to save you the time and hassle of crafting your own. […]
Sales Pipeline vs. Funnel: What’s the Difference?

For small business owners, nothing is more important to their bottom line than making sales. Through the internet, sales no longer rely on in-person interactions. They can take place anytime, anywhere, even outside business hours. And they’re growing…fast. Revenue generated from eCommerce stores and online sales is estimated to grow more than 7.8 percent each […]